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School Interviews

November 30, 2016 • Joel Dixon

istock_000015951522_large_frumkin_interviews-jpg-736x0_q85So you are a parent considering which school to send your child to. That’s a huge decision and needs a lot of thought and work put into it. The best way to pick the school for your child to attend is to schedule an interview with each school you are considering.

Be sure to have a list of questions ready for your interview before the big day comes. Some of the things you will want to cover is the quality of education they provide, whether they prepare children for college, if special needs children are accommodated, resources for children with exceptional talent, their policies on drugs and violence, if they focus on ethics or morality, and if they teach sensitive issues like sex education. Next, discuss any needs that are specific to your child or your family. You may want your child to go to a school where religion is a focus. Maybe your child is challenged physically or developmentally. How will they meet the needs of your child in these situations? What about if your child is gifted in an area like science, academics, or performing arts? Do they have programs to challenge your child in these areas? All of these questions will help you narrow down your school choices.

The next part of your interview should be about the school day. You will want to consider the amount of time they are in class, lunch times, and how the basic needs of the child will be met. Also, be sure to let your child help you with the list of questions. This will be where they spend a lot of time away from home and they need to feel comfortable as well. To finish the interview, you will want to take a tour of the school.

As you walk around the school, pay attention to the interaction between the teachers and the students. You will be able to tell from their interactions a lot about what to expect from the school. If the teachers and students are smiling and warm towards one another, you can assume it will be a place that cares about the well being of your child. The main thing is to use your instincts. At the end of the day, your overall instincts will be what guides you to the school that is best for your child or children.

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