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Tag: Ranking

Public School Rankings

December 4, 2016 • Joel Dixon

Have you ever really taken a look at public school rankings? It’s one of those things we hear about at least once a year these days. These rankings can show you not only how schools compare with others that offer similar things, but can lead you to schools that have different, out of the box things to offer your child. Of course, you should never solely choose a school based on how out of the box they are, but if you can find one that is out of the box AND ranked highly, you can be pretty certain that they are striving to offer children the best education possible.

school-standardized-tests_shutterstock_151206914_1-1479233047-5026There is a lot of information you can get by looking into public school rankings. You will find out how well they perform on their core academics. Every school has to participate in tests that measure advancement in core academics, so it’s a good way to see how each school fares.

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