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Tag: Special Needs

Services for the Autistic

December 15, 2016 • Joel Dixon

With the rise of autism comes the rise of treatments available and options for education. Parents are left to their own devices to determine which options are best for their child. This is a huge responsibility for parents with children on the autism spectrum.

Autistic boy spelling out autism using alphabet blocks. Autism is a condition in which a child does not display the normal responses to words, faces and toys. The child is withdrawn and usually has difficulty coping with social situations, due to a limited understanding of the actions of others. However, autistic children often have excellent pattern recognition and numerical skills. The causes of autism remain unclear.

When a family gets a diagnosis of autism, they are left with a lot of questions and concerns. Education is one of the big concerns they have. Autistic children each have qualities that are unique to them, so their education must be tailored to their own strengths and needs.

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